“I went through The Trials and came out the other end with a clearly defined life purpose, a keen sense of where I wanted to take things in my life, a more robust mind and body, and access to a supportive community of high-achieving, service-driven men. Not too bad, eh? Commit, do the work, and see who you can become.” – Rich K. (Drummer, Danko Jones)
The Trials are deconstruction, discovery and training for the mind, body, and soul. This online course will have you contemplating some profound and sometimes painful questions, putting your physical body to the test, and unraveling the thread of your true potential as you encounter the 3 mythic trials that test all of us human beings on the road to being the best version of ourselves.
Enrollment for Cohort 02 is open Sept 1-11, 2020.
The Trials program is geared towards anyone who feels like they are capable of more in life. Right from the first introduction of the course, you are immediately put on a path of self-reflection and self-identity. – Travis E. (Former NHL Player)

The Trials will immerse you in core lessons needed to become your own best coach for both your body and mind.
Learn sophisticated methods of physical training programming for your own unique needs and context. Learn how to communicate with the best version of yourself who is the ultimate earthly guide for a meaningful human experience.
Regenerate the generationally forgotten ability to tune into your body and mind to respond accordingly as you negotiate the world at the highest level.

Get 12-weeks of physiological programming in which you will learn how to customize your workouts based on your unique needs and context. At the end of The Trials, you will have the ability to create your own programming for life.
Get 12-weeks of self-discovery exploration practices in which you will intentionally deconstruct your current reality, analyze your strengths and shadows, and self-construct a new path forward on your own terms.

The Trials offers you 31 professionally produced video lessons and 3 real-world challenges which you’ll access through our online portal. Each video lesson is accompanied by PDF notes and homework.
Get access to The Trials Slack Channel to discuss your journey, discoveries, and challenges.
In the spirit of friendly competition, each challenge is scored and ranked among your peers.
“As someone who works in Emergency Services, fitness is a priority for me, and these workouts have pushed me well out of my comfort zone, by pushing the limits every day. No matter what your fitness level, The Trials workout routine will challenge you in the areas of Power, Strength, and Endurance. I never thought I’d have this tough of a workout using minimal equipment and bodyweight alone.” – Lando S. (Firefighter)
Psychological discovery and training to help guide you to a deeper understanding of yourself.
- Understanding Self and your beliefs as a global citizen
- Realizing your purpose and life’s work
- Building a future vision and future version
- Environmental analysis and inventory
- Deep dive into your personality
- Lifestyle design and architecture
Physiological self-discovery and training to connect body and mind with physical movement, endurance, grit and strength building.
- Understanding physical force and stress
- Specific adaptation to imposed demands
- Energy systems and metabolic pathways
- Working with planes of motion and movement patterns
- Microcycles, mesocycles and macrocycles
- Creating your own training program
Real-world challenges to get you out of your comfort zone, push your limits, and access altered states of consciousness.
Encounter 3 trials that will test you on the road to being the best version of yourself:
- Challenges can be performed anywhere and need minimal extra equipment
- Understand the power of suffering as transcendence on physical and mental planes
- Embrace fear and mental/physical chaos
- Get scored on your output and see how you’ve scored among your peers
- Discuss your journey and challenges with The Trials community
I’m glad I have access to The Trials at this point in my life, as I am currently on my own journey of self-discovery. This course will push you physically and mentally. It is a big investment in yourself, and if you can commit to giving the program everything you got, it just may change your life. – Stephan (Coach)
- For people who are going through a transition period: Leaving the military, wanting to join the military, marriage, divorce, or looking to have any major life pivot in the near future.
- For people who are looking to identify their highest goals and want to discover the tools necessary to achieve them.
- For people who do not fully resonate with the modern ideals of success and are looking to redefine “the good life” on their own terms.
- For people who are looking to gain sophisticated insight into their bodies and minds so they can operate at their highest level.
- The Trials have been designed specifically for men, however we welcome anyone who’s called to this type of work.
- If you’ve participated in The Process, you will get access to this course as a part of Phase 4.
Enrollment closes Sept 11, 2020 @ 11:59 pm E.T.
If you’re a man who’s looking to level up your consciousness and become the best, most fully functional version of yourself then this is the best program in existence.” – Joe J. (Veteran, Father)

Jeff Depatie – Chief Course Architect
Jeff Depatie recently retired from the Canadian special forces as a JTF2 sniper and is the founder of The Process, The Special Forces Experience. He’s a behavioral architect, precision shooter, and has spent years of his life in deserts, jungles, extreme cold, and other hardly inhabitable areas of the world.
Today, he’s using his skills of human potential selection and adversity training to identify and elevate superior men and bring them together to see if we can collectively solve some of the world’s biggest issues from the ground up by being better role models and leaders.
He is dedicated to maintaining peak physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual shape – in addition to constantly improving the courage it takes to will that strength.

Aaron Guyett – Chief of Physical Strategy
Aaron Guyett is a devoted husband, father, Marine Corps Staff Sergeant, combat instructor, master instructor at living.fit, the founder of Innovative Results, Battle Ropes Education, and Leaders of Leaders.
He specializes in teaching metabolic pathway programming and conditioning to develop power, strength, and endurance, while also helping people understand most physical and physiological transformation start with the mind.
He delivers uncompromising results to teams, organizations, and communities with both hard skills–like aerobic capacity, speed, agility, quickness, power, strength, and movement variability–and soft skills–like positive neuroplasticity training, communication development, leadership development, honesty, trust, and love.

Rick Alexander – Chief Growth Operator
Rick Alexander, a former special operations member, cultural evolutionist & mindset coach. He’s also an ultra-endurance athlete, author of Burn Your Couch and the host of Morning Coffee Podcast. He’s built his professional and personal life around guiding others from inside the trenches of adversity.
Rick has not only passed multiple rigorous special forces selection programs with attrition rates as high as 78% but also served on the cadre for the Naval Special Warfare Orientation (BUD/S) course which saw as many as 2500 candidates per year try their hand at one of the hardest selection programs in the world.
Rick served as an instructor, a counselor and in many cases, a mentor for the students looking to become a Navy SEAL or SWCC.
Will The Trials answer all your questions? No. What this course will do, is force you to ask yourself the uncomfortable questions you may be avoiding, or simply hadn’t considered. Beyond that, it will give you the framework, tools, and supportive environment to explore these questions and work towards finding your own unique answers. – J.D. Ireland
Get access to a few of the lessons from Week 3 of The Trials:

WEEKS 1 & 2
Get immediate access to The Trials Slack Community of like-minded, self-transcending humans and get your 12-week training program that you will do in tandem with the following lessons:
Master of Contemplation Part 1: Learn the mental method of gaining better and more insights in your every day life.
Physical Strategy: Learn the methodology behind your next 12-weeks of physical training.
Breathwork: Reclaim your body and mind with the most underutilized practice of breathwork.
Psychological Strategy: Learn how to reframe your mindset around growth-work and learn the power of stream-of-consciousness journaling.
Become the Protagonist in your Life’s Story: Understand the archetypal journey of the hero and how it applies to our lives today as a guide to answer your next call to adventure.
Accountability check-in 1 and 2.
WEEKS 3 & 4
Understanding Stress & Force: Learn how to adapt your physical body to thrive different situations.
Understanding Values & Beliefs: Learn how to identify your greatest priorities so you can design a fulfilling life earnestly around those values.
Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands: Learn the science behind how to improve your body’s performance and composition.
Contemplation of Self: Who are you, even?
Accountability check-in 3 and 4.

At the end of week 4, you’re challenged with your first Trial – a test of your physical body out in the real-world which represents a moment in time that will one day be forgotten. Take what you’ve learned and thrive… or barely survive.
WEEKS 5 & 6

Master of Contemplation Part 2: Learn the emotional method that will help you finally see a shadow pattern/blind spot objectively for the first time.
Energy Systems and Metabolic Pathways: Learn the science behind what actually gets your body stronger, faster, and more fortified.
Purpose and Life’s Work: Learn who are you here to be and do.
Planes of Motion: Learn how to move your body for optimal funcional preparedness.
Ideal Self: How to craft a future vision and future version of yourself.
Accountability check-in 5 and 6.
WEEKS 7 & 8
Movement patterns: Learn how your body interacts with planes of motion.
Environmental Analysis: Learn how to do an honest analysis of your current reality and identify your four aces / resentments.
The Art of Locomotion: How to move your body like a pro athlete/physically high performer.
Contemplation: To what degree does the mission make the man?
Accountability check-in 7 and 8.

At the end of week 8, you’re challenged with your second Trial – a maddening test of your mental and emotional capacity.
WEEKS 9 & 10

Master of Contemplation Part 3: Learn about how to achieve the rarest results of contemplation – epiphanies.
3 Phases of Periodization: Microcycles, Mesocycles and Macrocycles. Learn how to split up your physical strategy into smaller time blocks in order to have harder training blocks, and easier training blocks to aid in recovery. For physical high performers, being able to peak for an event like the Olympics or the CrossFit Games or The Process takes proper planning of these cycles.
Me, Myself, and Us: Identify the forces in your life that oppose whatever it is that you actually want for yourself. Learn how to come to grips with the parts of ourselves that we do not like and therefore, rarely face or even know how to face.
Accountability check-in 9 and 10.
WEEKS 11 & 12
Lifestyle Design and Architecture: Take everything you’ve learned to wit, and put it together to design a life that fulfills you and helps elevate those around you.
Master Your Physical Strategy: Take everything you’ve learned up until now and put it together to design a training program that’s designed just for you and your goals.
Accountability check-in 11 and 12.

At the end of this course, you’re challenged with your third and final Trial – your ideal call to adventure…
- Smartphone/computer with internet to access the course
- Journal and pen
- A space to move your body
- A rucksack or backpack
Enrollment is open for Cohort 03 Until 11, 2020 @ 11:59 pm E.T.
“I am amazed and overwhelmed by reading some of the postings in this forum already.” -Khushal A. (Father, Traveler)

Luke Montgomery, Chief Examiner
Luke Montgomery is an independent filmmaker, photographer, writer and committed storyteller, who deeply believes in the power of perspective to change the world. From the written word to the frozen frame – he is driven to capture and create that which might give us hope, insight, and a better future. Since childhood, he has had a burning passion for world travel, philosophy, and a good

Jessica Depatie, CMO
Jessica Depatie specializes in the decision-making psychology of what makes individuals pursue greatness. She dives deep into the why’s and hows of growth in the journey of living happier and healthier futures. Jessica is often quoted as saying, “if you save men, you save the world.” She believes the work being done through The SFE and other like-minded collectives to focus on the spiritual, mental, and physical growth of men will make radical, positive shifts in the future of humanity.
How would I do the accountability checks?
We use Slack to connect everyone going through The Trials. Slack is an online messaging platform that is free to use and well organized so communication with the community is effective and easy. After enrolling in The Trials, you will get a link to invite yourself into the Slack channel and join the conversation
How long does it take to go through this course?
We suggest taking at least 1 week per module. If you go at that pace, it’ll take you 12-weeks to go through the course. Whatever pace you go, you will have access to the content for life.
How much is enrollment?
We’ve made this course accessible at $775 USD or (2) monthly payments of $390.
When does enrollment open?
We’ll be opening the course for enrollment 4x’s a year.
Do I have access to the cadre?
Yes. The cadre answer questions and give feedback within the Slack channel.
Who do I contact for questions about this course to see if it's right for me?
You can email Jessica at jessica@thespecialforcesexperience.com who will connect you to the right cadre member depending on the context of your question.
As someone who has gone through The SFE and has had the honour of getting to know the Cadre and everyone involved in creating the experience, I am not surprised with how great the The Trials has turned out. From week 1 you are given insight into how comprehensive this course is and how much effort has been poured into helping you become the highest vibrational version of yourself. I remember a few years back I was asked “when is it difficult to tell the truth?” And my reply was “when being truthful with yourself. Identifying your weaknesses, where you fall short, and what’s missing in your life”.
I believe The Trials forces you to do this. It forces you enter the deepest parts of your being and identify what is no longer serving you, what you really want from life, and what you need to do to create the life you want, one you can be proud of. I’m glad I have access to The Trials at this point in my life, as I am currently on my own journey of self-discovery. This course will push you physically and mentally. It is a big investment in yourself, and if you can commit to giving the program everything you got, it just may change your life.
— Stephan F.
No matter what your fitness level, The Trials workout routine will challenge you in the areas of Power, Strength, and Endurance. I never thought I’d have this tough of a workout using minimal equipment and bodyweight alone.
As someone who works in Emergency Services, fitness is a priority for me, and these workouts have pushed me well out of my comfort zone, by pushing the limits every day. Cadre member Aaron has done an amazing job in choosing these exercises, but what’s great about this program is there is a huge attention to detail when it comes to the mobility work that is done at the beginning and end of each daily workout to reduce the risk of injury and optimize performance for the entire 12 weeks.
Something that most programs are lacking. Every week is a build on the last, so with that comes an increase in performance as well as challenging you to keep going when you think you can go no further. Highly recommend as it fits in well with the Mindfulness and Contemplation challenges that go along with The Trials course.
— Lando S.
The Trials program is geared towards anyone who feels like they are capable of more in life. Right from the first introduction of the course, you are immediately put on a path of self-reflection and self-identity.
The programs delivery incorporates 3 very important fundamentals, that in my opinion, that are critical to wanting self improvement and living at your highest potential. Those fundamentals for me are: 1 – Contemplation. Techniques that create the foundation on which change can begin to manifest through self-reflection and analysis. 2 – Physical Movement and Workouts. This brings the central nervous system online for immediate feedback and heightened awareness that in turn allows for deeper internal conversations as to what you may be seeking to better understand or what you may want to address. 3 – Critical Insight Questions. This is the real opportunity to change and grow as it forces you to ask yourself the hard questions we all bury in the closet.
Throughout the weeks I have found growth in patience, perspective on simplicity and more importantly accountability to my behaviours and mindset that I have never seen before. The Trials is a beautifully orchestrated dance that creates a vulnerability without feeling scared or alone. I highly recommend this course to anyone who is wishing for more out of their life and feeling like something might be missing.
The SFE community is with you every step of the way and the instructors offer constant interaction and feedback throughout the weeks. Do yourself a favour and enroll in this course, and I promise you by the time you are done you will not look away when you look in the mirror and ask yourself the following question… “What are you afraid of?”
— Travis E.
This is a program run by genuine leaders of Men. That being said they are 100% accessible and part of this growing community. They don’t hesitate to answer questions, offer advice and want nothing more than to see you reach your full potential.
After years in the military and diagnosed with PTSD I was completely lost and in a very bad place mentally. I can tell you with zero exaggeration; this program saved my life. It’s the big picture approach covering both the physiological and psychological.
So, if you’re a man who’s looking to level up your consciousness and become the best, most fully functional version of yourself then this is the best program in existence.”
— Joe J.